Small Head

There are many types of heads on the market, but they can be classified into three categories: large head, medium head and small head, these three types of heads will be used for different container. The size of the existing head diameter data on the market is very different, and the span between the lengths of the data is very large. According to the demand of living habits, these large heads, medium-sized heads and small heads can always find their place to stay.

Small head

As the name implies, small head size is definitely small.So it is naturally mounted on the joints of small containers, such as some water pipes. At the same time, because of the particularity of small head, cold installation is not suitable for small head.That is to say, the installation mode of this kind of small head is different from the cold installation mode we often choose when installing medium head or large head. Small head is not suitable for cold installation mode.

At the same time, because the small head is more convenient to disassemble and reassemble in life, it is often dismantled and reassembled many times. In this case, we will adopt the screw mounting method to install the small head.

On the one hand, the installation mode of screw mounting small head is not only to make the small head easy to remove in daily work and life, on the other hand, the screw mounting small head can play a good sealing and protection role for the container of small head.Of course, if the small head screw installation and then with sealant, so that the sealing will double strengthen, using a small head will have a good isolation.

Small Head
- 12 Aug 2019 -
english china rus esp